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APEX COPD brings together electronic medical records with patient reported information and observations, and presents this to clinicians in a structured and clinically relevant format at the point of care. This is achieved using electronic patient surveys and standardized data collection, guided by a network of COPD physicians in primary and secondary care.

The Registry

Capturing data from 3,000 COPD patients. 

Bringing together electronic medical records with patient reported information & observations from postally administered questionnaires.

Guided by a network of COPD physicians. 

Data Collections

APEX COPD brings together electronic medical records with patient reported information and observations, and presents this to clinicians in a structured and clinically relevant format at the point of care. This is achieved using electronic patient surveys and standardized data collection, guided by a network of COPD physicians in primary and secondary care.

Patient Population 

APEX COPD collects EHR and Patient Reported Information & Outcomes data from 3,000+ COPD patients across the USA over a 4-year period (2019-2022).

17,192 COPD patients with EMR data

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Posters, Abstracts & Publications

Advancing the Patient EXperience (APEX) in COPD registry: Study Design and Strengths

Barbara P. Yawn, et al. J Am Board Fam Med 2021;34(1):22-31.

Development of the Advancing the Patient EXperience (APEX) in COPD registry: a modified Delphi Study

Chelsea L. Edwards, et al. Chronic Obstr Pulm Dis 2020.

Characterization of COPD in U.S. Primary Care: Data from a Real Life COPD Registry

Pace W, et al. 2021

Variation in Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of COPD Patients Managed in U.S. Primary Care: Data from a Real Life COPD Registry

Pace W et al, 2021.

COPD Primary Care: Providing a Clinically Relevant Picture for Clinicians

Kaplan A, et al. 2020

COPD Primary Care: Providing a Clinically Relevant Picture for Clinicians 

Yawn B, et al. 2019

An Integrated Approach to Understanding COPD in Primary Care 

Edwards C, et al. 2019

APEX COPD, USA Primary Care Registry to change COPD outcomes

Kaplan A, et al. 2019

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